· TELNET (Telecommunication Network) is a network protocol used on the Internet or local area network (LAN) connections.
· It was developed in 1969 beginning with RFC 15 and standardized as IETF STD 8, one of the first Internet standards.
· Telnet allow a user on a remote client machine, called the Telnet client, to access the resources of another machine, the Telnet server, in order to access a command-line interface.
· This protocol used to establish a connection to TCP port 23
· Telnet uses an 8-bit, byte-oriented data connection over TCP,
· A drawback is that there are no encryption techniques available within the Telnet protocol, so everything must be sent in clear text, including passwords.
Telnet Configuration: -
Router(config)#enable password CCIE
Router(config)#line vty 0 4
Router(config-line) #password Gamer
Router(config-line) #transport input telnet
Router(config-line) #rotary 3
Router(config-line) #privilege level 1
Router(config-line) #session-timeout 1
Router(config-line) #login
PC# telnet
Trying ... Open
1. Before Enabling telnet, we need to set Enable Password.
2. "Line VTY 0 4" Command identify the number of virtual terminal line.
(0-4 means 5 Virtual terminal Lines are here)
3. Using Password Command we enable the telnet password.
4. Transport input Command allow to enable telnet for this virtual terminal.
5. Rotary Command use to manually define the telnet port number.
(rotary 1- port no. 3001, rotary 2- port no. 3002, rotary 3- port no. 3003)
6. Privilege level Command define in which Privilege level user will be access.
7. Session-timeout Command define the session closing time; we can set time in minute.
8. Login Command force to ask password.